Some fun facts for your Thursday…

  1. Sewataro has hired 44 teachers for the 2014 season.
  2. We will welcome campers from Beijing, South Korea, South Africa, Mexico, and Columbia this summer.
  3. The most popular 2014 girl’s camper name is Emma.
  4. 34% of our staff are former Sewataro campers.
  5. 27% of our campers live in Sudbury.
  6. About 75% of our staff return every year.
  7. 53% of our 2014 campers will come to camp without a friend request.
  8. The most popular 2014 boy’s camper name is Sam.
  9. We have 94 campers coming from Boston to camp this summer.
  10. Last year, the camper that was here the longest was a 4-year old Sprout.