
Just drove the camp Subaru down to Middleboro for the last time this summer, picking up our final supply of worms (i.e., nightcrawlers or to use their biological name Lumbricus Terrestris), which are the fuel our fishing program relies upon. According to Wikipedia, the species is native to Europe, but has established quite a foothold in the U.S., although many consider them pests because they are outcompeting our indigenous American worms in the battle for survival. With this latest shipment, we have purchased a total of 15,000 nightcrawlers this summer.

Our bass, sunfish, and perch are quite happy about it, as indicated by incredible number of fish caught by campers. Dan the Fisherman estimates that about 1500 fish were caught and released during camp, making the ratio of worms to fish, 10-1, which sounds about right when you consider the number that “got away.” As usual, fishing is very close to the top of favorite activities at camp, thanks to Lumbricus Terrestris, the always hungry bass, and, of course, Dan and his team of Tom & Isaiah.

Thursday’s overnight for the Eagle section was terrific. All day we watched radar and weather forecasts, which were all pretty ominous, but, as been our luck this summer, we had a protective bubble around us, seeing only a few drops of rain and no lightning. After a quick snack and an afternoon of Tribe Choice activities that found the Navajo boating, Senior Camp on the Paintball range, the Chickasaw, Comanche, and Blackfeet doing Castles, the Choctaw and Tuscarora playing Crack-about, and the Chinook and Potawatomi playing Sardines, all the tribes settled on the front lawn for a tasty supper of hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, and watermelon. Mmmm good!

Putting up tent

Then the Eagles pitched their tents and had another round of Choice activities, this time including a Night Swim, Flag Football, Camouflage, Crafts/Autograph Book, Street Hockey, and Volleyball. With appetites whetted once again, it was time for campfires and S’mores. But the highlight of the evening was the Counselor Hunt in the dark. With shrieks of excitement and swooping efficiency, the Eagles went hunting for certain counselors who were the designated prey. And not one counselor escaped detection and capture. By ten o’clock, all that energy was put to welcome rest in the cool night air under a moonlit cloudless sky.

Morning wake-up at 6:30 was followed by a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, yogurt, and hot chocolate. Chris and Colleen grilled blueberry, chocolate chip, and plain pancakes with the confidence of seasoned chefs. After optional seconds, the tribes then gathered their overnight belongings before heading down to the pools for a morning swim, a refreshing start to Friday’s camp day.

It’s such a joy to see the smiles the Overnight brings. A lot of work and planning goes into it, especially by Colleen, who orchestrated the whole event, but our enthusiastic counselors, who make everything fun, are the real heroes and heroines.