We are always looking to make improvements at Sewataro. Every year, we review staff and parent surveys, reflect on the past summer, and brainstorm ways we can improve our practices and/or our program; thereby improving the overall camp experience.

Cheyenne 2.26

This year we have decided to make a major change in staffing. We are going to have an apprentice counselor assigned to each Bear and Eagle tribe. They will provide support to the Tribe Leader. This should greatly help the tribe with transitions, and enable more individual camper attention. Because we now will have two counselors with a tribe at all times, tribes no longer have to wait to meet up with their tribe’s swim counselor.

Another benefit of this increased staffing is that we will have four counselors assigned to each tribe. (Fox tribes will have waterfront staff assigned to them and Eagle tribes will have a fourth counselor who most likely will be an activity counselor). This allows us to schedule necessary training during lunch duty (not lunch breaks). With four counselors assigned to a tribe, we can pull one counselor from lunch duty, and the tribe is still covered.

This staffing change supports our commitment to ongoing staff training and development. We have a large percentage of staff return each year and we want individual staff members to see there is a path for professional growth at camp. Our ability to continue in-service training all summer will reap further benefits as the summer progresses.

We also want camper families to know we are committed to finding the best ways to implement our program and create the environment that supports our mission statement.

Stay tuned for our next blog about how these staffing changes will complement our planned changes for the waterfront!