Emma swim lesson

In addition to the staffing changes outlined in the previous blog, we have also decided to make changes to our swim program. We are going to follow the American Red Cross swim levels. In the past, we had created our own Sewataro swim levels, believing they allowed campers to see more progress across several summers of lessons. The Red Cross has made substantial progress in developing resources to support the instruction of their swim leveling system. Therefore, it makes sense for us to utilize these resources.

Our goal is to cap swim groups at seven campers. Swim groups will be created based on skill level, not on tribe groups. The same swim instructor will guard their group in the morning and then instruct that group in the afternoon.

Liam swim lesson

Waterfront supervisors will each have a subset of swim instructors assigned to them. Parents will be emailed swim placement, progress, and final assessment data of their campers. We have purchased Chrome Books to enable this to happen.

All of these organizational changes required a change in staffing. Stay tuned for an introduction to our new Waterfront Head!