So much swirling around camp this past week, not the least of which is the unmistakable air of excitement – we can’t wait to see our campers!

This weekend is All Staff Training, and we’ve been looking forward to having our entire 2015 Staff all together again (we’ve been meeting in smaller groups since our annual May Training). Counselors will find out their tribe assignments on Saturday, and they get just as excited as the campers do when finding out their tribes. :)

So much goes on “behind the curtain” at Sewataro, all with the goal of ensuring that each and every camper has an amazing camp experience. We love what we do, and…
wait…hold on…did someone say “curtain”? Let’s pause for a quick bathroom break…

Check it out!

Bathroom birches

New for 2015 – Updates in the bathrooms! These lovely, birch-themed extra long curtains are now on rolling hooks to ensure camper privacy and comfort. And (drum roll, please), we are happy to report that a new bathroom stall – complete with door – is now up and running in the main Girl’s Bathroom. Hooray!

And now back to your regularly scheduled, non-bathroom-related blog post…

We look forward to seeing many of you at Open House this Sunday (1:00-3:30pm). It’s always a joy to witness both new and returning campers meeting their counselors for the first time, checking out their tents, finding their crates and meeting new friends. Rest assured, if you are unable to attend Open House, we will warmly welcome your children and introduce them to their counselors and tribe mates on their first day of camp. We love what we do, and we’ve been waiting all year to see your children!

Camper tees

Finally, fashionistas everywhere rejoice: The Sewie 2015 Clothing Collection has arrived! Our new short sleeve tee shirts in lime green and turquoise blue look fantastic (and wear well year after year), while this youngster gives our new navy blue sweatshirts an enthusiastic thumbs up!

Navy sweatshirt

And did someone say “tote bags”? You too can be the proud owner of this extra large LL Bean tote bag – perfect size for campers to carry, for family trips to the beach, or simply for showing your Sewie pride around town.

Tote bags

All clothing and bags will be available for purchase during Open House, or anytime you’d like to stop by Camp Headquarters during visiting hours.

We’ll see you shortly, and in the meantime, welcome to Camp Sewataro, where summer is “…as it should be.” :)