The sounds of summer are back at Sewataro! “I got a tribe that is RED HOT”; “A little birdie in a tree said something very true to me”; “Are we weak or strong?”… The pop of paintballs hitting their wooden targets; the calls for the soccer ball and the thud of its being passed; the chorus of gleeful cries at free swim; the bench’s respectful silence at archery while a row of archers release their whishing arrows into straw bullseyes; shrieks of joy from the longhouse during a rainy day schedule; the hum of lines being cast and the splash of a bass’s tail breaking water; “Who’s got the Green Gizmo?” and “Green Alligators.”

There are two new additions to the camp program this year. A gleaming new kiln and pottery wheels enrich our arts and crafts program by adding pottery making to the other crafts. The other new addition is Ga-ga, sometimes called Israeli dodgeball, a game that is played within a circular enclosure that combines dodging, jumping, running, striking—with the object of being the last person remaining. Players tap the ball at one another’s lower legs (a player is eliminated if hit below the knee).

Gaga wk 1 newsletter

Last summer, in response to parent wishes for greater communication, we began tribe newsletters in addition to our camp-wide Smoke Signal. Writing these newsletters this year is Jeannine Lawless, who was a counselor here for a number of years, and now is an editor as well as a mom. And since we all know a picture (or a video) is worth a thousand words, we have a new videographer, Zack Bond, and a new photographer, Brian Corey—who will be posting film and pictures of campers on a daily basis on the Sewataro web site.

The waterfront also has a new look this summer as Tara Davidson, who co-led the CIT program last year and previously was a swim instructor and supervisor, has assumed leadership. Assisted by waterfront supervisors, Katherine Carder, Victoria Schmidt, and Samantha Thyne, Tara has organized the program and prepared our waterfront staff of WSI’s and LGT’s for maximum teaching effectiveness.

h2osupies wk 1 newsletter

We’re delighted you’re with us at Sewataro. Please call if there’s anything we can do to make your summer experience better.