…it’s the Sewie drone! (OK, not technically belonging to Sewataro, but used to shoot aerial footage of our grounds.) The shoot took place in June, just one week prior to the start of camp. Seeing (and hearing) the drone fly over (and around, and through) camp was incredible! It looked like a small UFO, and sounded like a swarm of bees…come to think of it, we’re relieved none of the neighbors called the authorities. ;)

So, what was all the buzz about?

drone 4

The Sewataro promotional video! Director Paul Serafini of Angelina Pictures (he’s the guy in the back, looking at the monitor), oversaw the aerial footage crew as they mounted a high tech camera on the drone and flew it 400 feet in the air, capturing sweeping (and stunning) shots of Sewataro looking her best, against a background of blue skies and abundant sunshine.

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The drone itself is a giant, remote-controlled aircraft. Much as we knew our campers would have been fascinated by this “visitor,” we opted to film this portion of the video when the grounds were empty; safety first at Sewataro, always.

drone 1

Stay tuned for more news about our video, which is set to debut this Fall. We hope all of our campers, families and staff have successfully transitioned back to school (and/or) work mode. Boy, do we miss all those smiling faces!

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