Today, Friday, brings us to the midsummer point of our 2016 camp season. To those of you who are saying goodbye to Sewataro today, we wish you a wonderful rest of the summer. We will be sending out our 2017 applications in approximately two weeks. We had a full camp this year, so we are sending out applications early to our present campers in order to allow them to secure their choice sessions for next summer. So, please don’t delay, thinking I’ll do that next month or next week!

2016 Smoke Signal week 4.1

Tuesday’s Overday was a huge success. We are always delighted when John Fitz and his Folk Tradition come back to Sewataro and lead us in all the traditional camp songs. You saw some of our 190 incredible staff members at the Overday campfire, and you saw their energy and enthusiasm as well as their focus on our campers. And those of you who drive to camp see another example of staff enthusiasm in our funky pointers, Catherine and Tom, who welcome and direct you.

2016 Smoke Signal week 4.2

There are many moving parts to Sewataro, especially in a week like this with a Fox/Bear Overday, a CIT trip to Cradles to Crayons, a Senior Camp off-site hike up to the top of Mount Wachusett, and a Star Wars Friday Spectacular. We sing the praises of our counselors because all these things could not happen without their talent, commitment, and creativity. No matter what is going on in their personal lives or what the weather is doing, they bring it! They watch over your children, listen to them, soothe hurt feelings, patch up misunderstandings, teach skills, lead cheers, and enter fully into the uninhibited spirit of play that is the essence of camp.

2016 Smoke Signal week 4.3

Given our excellent staff return rate each year and given our reputation for treating our counselors well, Monica is able to be extremely selective in her interviewing and hiring process. The results show in the quality and creativity of the people who guide and lead your children. Many choose careers in education if they are not already launched onto such a career, but we also have a large number of diverse college majors pursuing other careers as well, no example more striking than Seth who has been with us for years and is head counselor for the Ponca tribe this summer while in his fourth year of medical school.

2016 Smoke Signal week 4.4

To those of you 4.1 and 2.2 campers who are leaving us today, thanks for being part of the Sewataro community and contributing to the Spirit of Sewataro. We hope all your expectations were met and exceeded. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces next year! For those of you continuing on, we have great things planned for the rest of the summer.

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