Summer 2016 at Sewataro draws to a close. Time seems to accelerate in fast-forward mode at this point in the summer, which makes these days all the sweeter. Last Friday’s “Nursery Raps” was a true spectacular, and we hope you were able to view some of the video of it on our website (it’s on Day 34, just after the swimming segment). We always knew what terrific leadership we had in our Supervisors (Amy, Kate, Nathan, and Brian) and what fantastic spirit and focus our counselors bring to their charges every single camp day. However, what inevitably surprises us over the course of the summer is just how talented both groups are. Nathan was the creator/director of “Nursery Raps,” and Amy, Kate, and Brian all helped him bring it to fruition. But who knew what musical talents our counselors had? Michael S. (Humpty Dumpty), Skylar (Mother Goose), Lisa B. (Old Mother Hubbard), Josh P. (Little Boy Blue), the Three Men in a Tub (Alex, Pete, and Doug) and many others showed the campers just what it took to put Humpty together again. Our Friday Events from Star Wars to the Olympics to Pokemon have spiced up every week of camp, but surely “Nursery Raps” was the apex.

Nursery Raps

Just like last year’s final Overday, weather had its say with the sudden blossoming of storms in our midst. We know the Longhouse doesn’t offer the same feeling that an outdoor campfire does, and we were all ready to have the event outside until the radar dictated otherwise. It’s a good thing we did go under shelter, for the rain was intense and the children would have gotten soaked if we had gone about the Overday as planned. Wouldn’t you know that in one of the driest summers in a long time, we would have heavy rain just at that time! Oh, well, the children enjoyed it, and we hope you did as well.

2016 2.4 Overday

The tents have already come down and the docks put away, and after we squeeze the last few drops of fun from this session of camp, the animals who share the outdoors with our campers during the summer will have free run of the place until June 26, 2017. As you know, we are already accepting applications for 2017. This should give you time to secure your preferred spots for next year, and the deposit is refundable (by January 15th) if your plans change in the meantime. We will begin planning in the fall to make next summer even better than it was this year. We are always eager to find ways to improve Sewataro, so please share your assessments with us in our satisfaction survey that you’ll soon receive via email. Thank you for being with us and for sharing your children with us this summer. We hope the fun, learning, and growth was all you expected and more!

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