Dear Friends,

Around camp Mark Taylor is our resident “Magic Man” – he can make the impossible possible. So believe us when we tell you…if Mark couldn’t make the sun come out on Monday, nobody could! The silver lining (as reported by campers and staff), was the fact that rainy day activities lend themselves especially well to tribe bonding.

2017 rainy day

The Waterfront supervisors took over the Longhouse and kept the energy high as they entertained campers during what would have been swim periods. Games such as “Know Thy Counselor,” “Camp Trivia,” and “Name Those Lyrics” were fun ways for campers to get to know one another. We worked hard to keep up the fun, energy, and excitement all day despite the curveball Mother Nature threw at us!

Luckily, the beautiful day on Wednesday made up for Monday’s rain! It was a perfect summer day where campers could be found improving on their swimming skills, gathering their courage on the zip-line or rock-wall, learning how to throw pottery, paddle a kayak, build a campfire, and more.

2017 swimming

Camp Sewataro has often been described as “a day camp with an overnight camp feel” and we take that as a huge compliment. Campers have access to the wide range of activities often found at overnight camp while still getting to sleep in the comfort of their own beds every night. Our traditions are another big part of what sets us apart, and one of our favorites is coming up next week…The Sewataro Olympics! It’s always a highlight of the summer, and we can’t wait to see Camp decked out in orange, navy and green. (You can find your child’s tribe color further along in this newsletter…)

2017 baseball

We’re also just wrapping up from another super Friday Special Event – Baseball Mania! – and once again our talented team of supervisors batted a thousand. Campers and staff alike showed up sporting their favorite team’s shirts, hats, and even bathing suits. Baseball related game rotations brought America’s favorite pastime to life for our campers. Of course no Friday is complete without a “Grassy Bowl” finale, and today’s Home Run Derby really hit it out of the park.

2017 sports friends

As Week 5 comes to a close, we want to again take the opportunity to thank you for sharing your children with us. We hope they had as much fun as we did this week, and we’re looking forward to starting it all over again on Monday – cue the Olympics fanfare!


The Taylors and all your friends at Camp Sewataro