Holy heat wave Batman! It’s officially summer here at Camp Sewataro. This week has been all about water in its many forms…on super hot days like we’ve had this week, we slow activities down a bit, keep to the shade, and add water wherever possible. “Drip, drip, drop” is a favorite Sewataro water version of “Duck, duck, goose” and the Camper Car Wash also made it’s 2018 season debut!

camper car wash 2018

On Monday we had a special visitor for Closing Exercises, veteran counselor and Gizmo mastermind, The Rogue! In addition to his amazing illusions and droll ‘emcee’ery,’ Rogue is remembered fondly for his less-than-ideal interview with Alba. “It was late in the hiring process and there weren’t really any openings. My coach assured her I was good with kids and emphasized she’d be missing the boat if she didn’t hire me. So Alba reluctantly hired me as ‘Campcraft Assistant.’ (This position was later known affectionately as ‘s’more boy’ or ‘s’more girl.’) Part of my job as Campcraft Assistant was to build the fire for the Girls’ Overnight. I didn’t have to stay to work the event, so I built the fire, lit it, and then asked permission to sing one song before I left. I sang ‘Flea Fly’ and the camp went ballistic! The next day I was asked to help lead the singing for Closing Exercises. This songleading continued for 24 more summers. The ‘goofy guy with the green hat’ who sang songs was off and running.”

2018 rogue closing

In preparation for the 4th of July holiday, Tuesday was a camp-wide Red, White, and Blue spirit day. We loved seeing the campers dressed in their patriotic best! We hope you all had a nice mid-week break and enjoyed celebrating America’s birthday with your family and friends.

We were all back at it bright and early Thursday (despite some post-fireworks tiredness), just in time for our first Eagle section Overnight! Throughout the afternoon, campers enjoyed lots of tribe bonding, games, and extra opportunities to swim. After dinner, campers had choice time where they could swim (again!), play “Capture the Flag,” “Camouflage,” or Street Hockey, or do crafts. Once the sun set, campfires were lit for s’mores and then the infamous “Counselor Hunt” took place before (eventual) bedtime. ;-)

2018 overnight swim

Friday’s Special Event was a game-time decision, right up to the moment the clouds rolled in Friday morning. After such a hot week, we were all hoping for a classic Water Carnival, but instead pulled another event from our bag of Sewataro traditions, and held the much beloved “Star Search (: Rainy Day Edition)!” Campers rotated through shelters searching for characters that included Pikachu, Lady Gaga, Superman, the Sewataro Unicorn, Camp Director “Monica,” and more!

It’s hard to believe that the first of our two-week sessions has come to an end. Whether your camper is leaving camp today, or continuing on for another two, four, or six weeks, we hope you have great memories from these past two weeks and a fantastic rest of the summer. For those of you returning to us next week, get ready for more fun in the sun – we’re only just getting started!


The Taylors, Monica, and Emmy