Where have the past four weeks gone?! Feels like just yesterday we were greeting our campers out of cars and off of buses, introducing them to their counselors and fellow group mates at “the dot spots,” and witnessing the sheer joy of children being together and outside, after a Spring that had been anything but normal, let alone fun. As one new staff member recently commented, “There’s so much life here!” We couldn’t agree more. :)

In these four weeks, we’ve grown from new acquaintances to friends, we’ve tried new things, learned new skills, and we have laughed…a lot! The combination of your children and our staff is, in a word, magical, and we are grateful for every minute we’re together as the Sewataro community!

To those families whose campers left us last Friday, we thank you for sharing your children with us – we love them, and can’t wait to see them again next summer! We wish you a safe and healthy rest of your summer, and hope you will keep in touch. Please be on the lookout for a family survey coming your way very soon; we’d love to hear your feedback!

To those of you whose children will be back with us on Monday, have a wonderful weekend, and tell your kids we’ve got lots more fun up our sleeves for Week 5!