Hello, Friends!

We hope you are warm, safe, and dry on this wet and wild Friday. We are missing our campers! Although Session 2.1 didn’t end as we’d planned, it was nonetheless a spectacular and action-packed two weeks, complete with all the camp magic that makes up a Sewataro summer. We saw countless smiles, heard tons of laughter, witnessed campers trying their hands at new games or activities (while being cheered on by their group mates and counselors!), and came together as a whole camp each afternoon for songs and counselor shenanigans, compliments of the Green Gizmo. (Be sure to ask your campers about the various song genres of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” or the “Martian Sewataro anthem”!)

As the week draws to a close, we want to again thank you for sharing your terrific campers with us. They are THE BEST! For those of you in session 2.1, we thank you for bringing your uniqueness and your spirit to Sewataro – it wouldn’t have been the same without you, and you will be missed. We hope to see you back at camp next year, and wish you a wonderful rest of your summer.

And for those of you who are continuing on with us, get psyched for an exciting Week 3 at camp!

With smiles and gratitude from camp,
Amy, Emmy, Jeannine, Ciaran and the entire Leadership Team