Hello and happy Friday, Friends!

The energy around camp this week has been electric – it’s amazing what a little (or actually a lot) of sunshine can do! This week we welcomed our 2.3 and 4.3 campers, and in no time they became part of the family. One of the most rewarding parts of our jobs is witnessing so many “firsts” at camp: Catching that first fish, building a fire for the first time with group mates at Campcraft, reaching the top of the climbing tower (and ringing the bell for the first time), or in Amy’s case, receiving her first Sewataro Cannon. ;)

We’d be remiss not to mention our incredible staff, who are there to guide our campers on an empowering journey of friendship and fun each day, and who bring our mission statement and values to life. We’ve received so many wonderful emails from parents about counselors and supervisors who’ve gone the extra mile and have made a difference, and we want you to know that we’ve shared every bit of your feedback with the staff. Thank you for your partnership, and for entrusting us with your children each day – they are the best!

We wish you an easy breezy weekend, and can’t wait to see your campers back on Monday morning to kick off Week 6. Campers get ready: it’s Sewataro Olympics Week!!

With gratitude and smiles from camp,

Amy, Emmy, Jeannine, Ciaran, and the entire Leadership Team.

2021 Olympics Week!!

This week is Olympics Week at Sewataro! This annual tradition is a favorite for all, and the Leadership Team has been hard at work planning for a safe and fun week of events. The week will be filled with Olympic challenges and team spirit, and the festivities will begin on Wednesday and continue into Friday afternoon. Each group will be assigned an Olympic color, and if your child would like to, they can wear their group’s Olympic color throughout the week.