We are two days away from the start of camp, and we couldn’t be more excited! As we begin our last days of training with our unbelievable staff, there is no doubt in our minds that this will be “a summer as it should be” – and a return to some of our favorite activities!

During each day of training, opportunities for new and returning staff members to meet have led to moments of great laughter and bonding, not too dissimilar to what we see between campers every day. We always spend time walking through the daily schedule, so that counselors can familiarize themselves with where they’ll need to be each period. Our veteran staff members stepped up in a big way, offering advice and directions to those who are new to Sewataro.

Our amazing office team has also been hard at work, ironing out the last details, copying schedules, putting together clipboards, and making sure we all have what we need, for a successful summer in this truly special place.

With the warm weather filling the air, and the sunlight cutting through the tree branches, this summer is shaping up to be a truly phenomenal experience, and all we need now are our campers! We hope to see you at tomorrow’s Open House, between the hours of 1 and 3:30pm!